Environmental Regulatory Conference Presentations
State of the Air, Water, and Waste in New Hampshire
Moderator: Tony Giunta, Nobis Group; Chair, BIA’s Manufacturing & End Users Policy Committee
Plenary Session on PFAS
Moderator: Desiree Peri, Textiles Coated International
- Proposed US EPA PFAS MCL by Amy Rousseau, NHDES
- NHDES Development of PFAS Soil Remediation Standards by Tanya Justham, NHDES
- NHDES Development of BACT Requirements for Air Emission relative to Groundwater Impacts by Cathy Beahm, NHDES
- Statewide PFAS Sampling Data Review and What it Means by Derek Bennett, NHDES
- Health Impacts by Dr. Jonathan Petali, NHDES
- Residuals Program by Anthony Drouin, NHDES
Concurrent Sessions: Regulatory/Program Updates
Option 1 – Air
Moderator: Jen Galbraith, NHDES
Environmental Justice in Air Permitting Update by Patrick Bird, EPA Region 1, Padmaja Baru, NHDES, and Karen Craver, NHDES.
Electronic Reporting by Ray Walters, NHDES
Option 2 – Water
Moderator: Scott Hazelton, NHDES
Water Infrastructure Resilience by Ethan Widrick, NHDES
Cyanobacteria Update by Erin Holmes, NHDES
Option 3 – Waste
Moderator: Jamie O’Rourke, NHDES
Joint Hazardous Waste & Solid Waste Rules Update & Implementation of the Solid Waste Management Plan by Wendy Bonner, NHDES, Leah McKenna, NHDES, and Michael Nork, NHDES
Concurrent Sessions: Grab Bag
Option 1 – Air
Moderator: Mike Fitzgerald, NHDES
Air Monitoring, Forecasting, and Air Quality Episodes by Kathleen Errington, NHDES and Marcus Chase, NHDES
Option 2 – Water
Moderator: John Pasquale , NHDES
Dam Bureau by Corey Clark, NHDES
Option 3 – Waste
Moderator: Josh Whipple, NHDES
Applying Hazardous Waste Management Rules at Remediation Sites by Julia Sunderlin, ERM
A How to Guide on Oil Remediation & Compliance Bureau Reports & OneStop Navigation by Bob Bishop, NHDES and Nicole Gianunzio, NHDES
Plenary Session Fundapalooza (Funding Sources Outlook)
Moderator: Matthew Taylor, NHDES
Water Division: Myriad of Drinking Water/Clean Water Funding Source Outlook by Ted Diers, NHDES
Waste Management Division: