School to Career Pathway
Success Stories

Valley Regional High School junior Jacob Beaulieu, with the help of production assembler Brandon Camp, puts together an ambulance light box at Whelen Engineering as part of a their educational program.

Students at Portsmouth High School are among those participating in programs designed to increase skills desired in the 21st century workforce.

Manufacturers across NH, like Graphicast in Jaffrey, are putting their own initiatives together to address workforce needs.

Manufacturers across NH, like Graphicast in Jaffrey, are putting their own initiatives together to address workforce needs.

Samantha Cormier, a junior at Spaulding High School in Rochester, works in the engineering lab at the school’s technology center. She was setting up a computer-controlled milling machine.

BIA Workforce Development Director Sara Colson addresses an audience of employers, educators, policy makers, and families to discuss the challenges of the current labor pool.

BIA Workforce Development Director Sara Colson addresses an audience of employers, educators, policy makers, and families to discuss the challenges of the current labor pool.

Riley Murray, 19, of Claremont, works on assembling parts at Whelen Engineering in Charlestown.

Graphicast CEO Val Zanchuk is a leader in advancing NH's future workforce.